How To Write Your LinkedIn Profile When You’re Unemployed

  This may sound odd, but if you’re unemployed, you actually have BETTER opportunitie...

5 Ways To Be Smarter With Your Job Search

Job seekers, there is no doubt you are facing a very challenging time. Whether you have 20 years of experie...

Linkedin Secrets That Can Really Get Recruiters To Find You

  How can you help recruiters find you on LinkedIn? Use this secret hack to increase your chances o...

8 Reasons You Got Ghosted By A LinkedIn Connection

We’ve all been there, right? You connect with someone on LinkedIn, start a great conversation, and th...

Is No One Visiting? Share and Write to Increase Your LinkedIn Profile Traffic

  If your LinkedIn is not receiving many views, and virtually no recruiter traffic, the culprit co...

3 Things Your LinkedIn Summary MUST Say

The summary of your LinkedIn profile is 2,000 characters of prime real estate to genuinely differentiate you...

How Frequently Should You Check Your LinkedIn Profile?

If you are in job seeking mode, you should have your LinkedIn profile optimized so that you are ready for &l...

Revealed: Expert Strategy To Boost LinkedIn Visibility

Imagine that two people are playing basketball. The first player is constantly checking out his opponent and...

Why You Need Achievements On Your LinkedIn Profile

If you want to stand out from other candidates, both your resume and your LinkedIn profile need to have spec...

How Do You Choose The Keywords In Your LinkedIn Headline?

With 120 characters of space available, your LinkedIn headline can make you or break you. Standing out among...

5 Smart Ways To Get Noticed On LinkedIn

During my first months of using LinkedIn back in 2007, it often seemed like I was trying to make my voice he...

4 Mistakes Job Seekers Make With Their LinkedIn Headline

If you’re job searching, being on LinkedIn is a must! Not only can you find recent and relevant job op...

3 Ways To Get LinkedIn Endorsements

LinkedIn is the online platform for all things that relate to your professional brand, and you want to use i...

How I Accidentally Became One Of The Top 1% Viewed LinkedIn Profiles

I would hope that most professionals these days understand the importance that LinkedIn has become in social...

4 Ways To Be Memorable On LinkedIn

I don’t have to tell you that there is a lot of “noise” out there in social media land, an...

3 Ways To Ask For LinkedIn Recommendations

It is important to get recommendations on LinkedIn to build credibility. But how do you go about asking some...

3 Ways To Get Discovered On LinkedIn: The Thought Leadership Strategy

So, just what is thought leadership in the context of a job search? Let’s start with a few sample defi...

7 Ways To Improve Your Failing LinkedIn Strategy

Struggling to get serious job search mileage out of LinkedIn? If employers surf your Profile and then leave ...

Connecting With An Old Boss? Use This LinkedIn Template

So, you’re on LinkedIn and you notice that an old co-worker or boss works at one of the companies you&...

3 Remedies To Cure Your LinkedIn Headaches

If you’re anything like me, you’ve probably spent way too many hours trying to find out how to m...

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It is commonly thought that first impressions in business are the impressions provided by employe...
Sarah Ellis
06 July 2017
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